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Pocket Guide to Oncologic Emergencies
36,00 €
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This essential book is a comprehensive yet practical handbook on oncologic emergencies containing the important and current information on treating cancer patients in acute care settings such as emergency and urgent care departments and centers. A concise and evidence-based guide, it is the go-to resource for any acute care medical practitioner treating cancer patients, demystifying the processes of evaluating, diagnosing, and managing emergencies that often arise in the cancer patient population. The first part of the book offers an overview of cancer, anti-cancer treatment and pain and palliative care in the emergency department. It then moves on to provide a systems-based approach covering neurologic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, respiratory, lymphatic system, and integumentary cancer complications. The book also discusses the side effects of cancer treatments such as pain, delirium, dyspnea, and immunotherapy related adverse events, and importantly helps to bridge the gap between oncologic advancements for emergency medicine specialists.

  • Designed not only to be used in real-time to help practitioners with diagnosis, management, and treatment of oncologic emergencies but as a reference book on key oncologic emergencies for use in emergency medicine training
  • Captures and distils the most important advancements in the field of oncology and side effects of new treatments for acute care practitioners, who are not routinely update on such developments
  • Topics are laid out in outline format with key information presented in easy-to-read bullet points to allow for quick reading and comprehension of each section


Reviews & endorsements

'Dr. Monica Wattana has assembled 'must have' information to diagnose and treat a wide variety of urgent and emergent conditions experienced by the cancer patient, providing key information presented in an easily digestible format to assist the busy clinician. Featuring 'clinical pearls' and up-to-date references in each chapter, this text provides concise reviews of clinically important cancer emergencies with which the general practitioner may be less familiar. Easy access to the numerous grading and risk-stratifying schemes involved in cancer care, alongside their acronyms and together in one source, will save users valuable time. This is a welcome aid for medical students, residents, nurses, and midlevel practitioners facing questions on ward rounds or in certification exams, offering us the essential guidance to provide superior care to the growing number of patients with cancer emergencies.' Knox H. Todd, M.D., M.P.H.; Editor-in-Chief, Emergency Cancer Care; Editor, Oncologic Emergency Medicine: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

Introduction 1. Cancer overview: Part I. Anti-cancer Treatment Overview:
2. Chemotherapy
3. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant
4. Hormone therapy
5. Immunotherapy
6. Radiation therapy
7. Targeted cell therapy
Part II. Pain and Palliative Care in the Emergency Department:
8. Acute pain management
9. Opiate equianalgesic conversion
10. Patient controlled analgesia pump
11. Communication tips for delivering bad news
12. End of life symptom management
Part III. Systems Based Overview of Cancer Complications:
13. Overview of Cardiovascular Disease in Cancer Patients
Chapter I. Cardiovascular:
14. Cancer treatment induced arrhythmia
15. Acute coronary syndrome
16. Blood transfusion complications
17. Carotid blowout syndrome
18. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
19. Heart failure
20. Hyperviscosity syndrome
21. Pericardial effusion and tamponade
22. Pericarditis
23. SVC syndrome
24. Venous thromboembolism management
Chapter II. Gastrointestinal:
25. Constipation management
26. Cancer related diarrhea
27. Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
28. Feeding tube complications
29. Malignant bowel obstruction
30. Malignant intestinal perforation
31. Mesenteric bowel ischemia
32. Mucositis
33. Neutropenic enterocolitis (Typhlitis)
34. Radiation enteritis
35. Sinusoidal obstructive syndrome
Chaper III. Genitourinary:
36. Gynecological oncology surgical complications
37. Hemorrhagic cystitis
38. Hypercalcemia
39. Hyponatremia
40. Obstructive uropathy
41. Troubleshooting percutaneous nephrostomy tubes
Chapter IV. Integumentary:
42. Chemotherapy extravasation management
Chapter V. Lymphatic:
43. CART-Cell toxicity
44. Checkpoint inhibitor immune-related adverse events
45. Differentiation syndrome in acute leukemias
46. GVHD
47. Hyperleukocytosis and leukostasis
48. Neutropenic fever
49. Tumor lysis syndrome
Chapter VI. Nervous:
50. Approach to cancer patient with altered mental status
51. Delirium symptom management
52. Depression in cancer patients
53. Elevated intracranial pressure
54. Intracranial hemorrhage
55. Leptomeningeal disease
56. Malignant spinal cord compression and cauda equina syndrome
57. Paraneoplastic syndromes
58. Seizure management
59. Stroke management in cancer patients
Chapter VII. Respiratory:
60. Cancer treatment induced interstitial lung disease
61. Hemoptysis
62. Hiccups
63. Laryngectomy troubleshooting
64. Malignant central airway obstruction
65. Malignant pleural effusion
66. Tracheostomy troubleshooting


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