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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Heat Stress in Sport and Exercise
Thermophysiology of Health and Performance
Périard, Racinais
110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The book is designed to provide a flowing description of the physiology of heat stress, the illnesses associated with heat exposure, recommendations on optimising health and performance, and an examination of Olympic sports played in potentially hot environmental conditions. In the first section the book examines how heat stress effects performance by outlining the basics of thermoregulation and how these responses impact on cardiovascular, central nervous system, and skeletal muscle function. It also outlines the pathophysiology and treatment of exertional heat illness, as well as the role of hydration status during exercise in the heat. Thereafter, countermeasures (e.g. cooling and heat acclimation) are covered and an explanation as to how they may aid in decreasing the incidence of heat illness and minimise the impairment in performance is provided. A novel and particular feature of the book is its inclusion of sport-specific chapters in which the influence of heat stress on performance and health is described, as well as strategies and policies adopted by the governing bodies in trying to offset the deleterious role of thermal strain. Given the breadth and scope of the sections, the book will be a reference guide for clinicians, practitioners, coaches, athletes, researchers, and students.

  • Human Thermoregulation

    Flouris, Andreas D.

    Pages 3-27

  • The Biophysics of Human Heat Exchange

    Ravanelli, Nicholas (et al.)

    Pages 29-43

  • Integrative Human Cardiovascular Responses to Hyperthermia

    Chiesa, Scott T. (et al.)

    Pages 45-65

  • Neural and Muscular Function in the Heat

    Racinais, Sébastien (et al.)

    Pages 67-88

  • Common Misconceptions in Classic and Exertional Heat Stroke

    Laitano, Orlando (et al.)

    Pages 91-112

  • Hydration in Sport and Exercise

    Burke, Louise M.

    Pages 113-137

  • Heat-Stress Exercise and Cooling

    Tyler, Christopher J.

    Pages 139-157

  • Heat Acclimation

    Racinais, Sébastien (et al.)

    Pages 159-178

  • The Application of Heat Stress to Team Sports: Football/Soccer, Australian Football and Rugby

    Slattery, Katie (et al.)

    Pages 181-202

  • Heat Stress During American Football

    Adams, William M. (et al.)

    Pages 203-218

  • Tennis in the Heat

    Bergeron, Michael F.

    Pages 219-234

  • Athletics: Track and Field in the Heat

    Alonso, Juan-Manuel (et al.)

    Pages 235-243

  • Cycling in the Heat

    Périard, Julien D. (et al.)

    Pages 245-262

  • Open-Water Swimming

    Bradford, Carl D. (et al.)

    Pages 263-281

  • Triathlon and Ultra-Endurance Events in Tropical Environments

    Chabert, Clovis (et al.)

    Pages 283-296



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